Cambodian Children’s Fund
In 2010 Stephanie attended a fundraiser in NYC for the Cambodian Children’s Fund. Having very little knowledge or insight on the situation that faced impoverished children in Cambodia she was moved enough by Scott Neeson’s speech. Stephanie pledged to sponsor a child that night and when she approached Scott on next steps he pulled out a photo of Neng who is Stephanie’s sponsor child to this day.
Stephanie and Neng have a special bond that has changed both their lives. CCF’s Sponsorship and Mentorship Program goes beyond sending annual checks and receiving yearly updates and photos.
Having a sponsor child means doing homework with them, giving advice, nurturing them and being a constant positive influence in their lives. Through Emails, Post Cards, Letters and Skype - The connection is strong and solid. Years into Neng’s sponsorship Stephanie and her husband took on another child named Sokheng who has graduated from High School and is working in Cambodia with success.
Stephanie and Tony had the pleasure of meeting both of Sokheng and Neng in 2018 where they spent time with the children, toured the state of the art facilities at CCF and volunteered in food programs. Blown away by its success Stephanie and Tony have encouraged friends and family to donate and or sponsor children and grandmother’s at CCF.